A Musical Interlude; Brad Davis Music.

From the record titled, “Walk On Faith”… I hope y’all enjoy as much as I do!

Brad and his family are very dear friends to me and my family; and brothers for eternity in Christ.

Visit Brad and his incredible recording studio in Commerce, Texas online at… Brad Davis Music

Brad is also a founding member of the band Berea whose profoundly scripturally accurate music can be found here… Berea

Look some of his other stuff up on the YouTube! This dude can rock and roll with the best of em! One of, if not the best flat picker out there. Here’s a sample…

And now, a musical first… a bluegrass version of Bethoven’s 5’th symphony on Spotify. And Berklee School of Music said it couldn’t be done!

Grace and peace to you and yours my friend…

One thought on “A Musical Interlude; Brad Davis Music.

  1. Greetings, GCP;

    I ‘made my rounds’ this morning and drove thru TBP. It is odd, but without seeing your posts, it is of little consequence to me. I decided to visit your site, and it is like slipping into my favorite old pair of boots……the fit is right.

    I began by listening to (what I consider inspired) his fine music, and when I was listening to the fourth-Hell Fire-I stopped to make this post. “God is Love, but the devil is a liar”……….and back to the last exchange we had on TBP. My only intention was to posit the consideration that, as we were made in God’s image, it has less to do with being bipedal or skin color, etc., but that He made us in the image of His Love. The Genesis story is that God told Adam about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil….then a little later he made Eve….who was the first to succumb to temptation. The account is not clear as to how Eve was made aware, but clearly in the next chapter, she was aware. The act of rebellion/disobedience is clear, but I simply wonder if God made man in His image, which is not one of rebellion, then perhaps God’s first ‘test’ for His creation was to see that ‘man’ possessed the kind of Love wherein he would ‘die’ for his wife….your response to me is the most likely answer, but then I wonder why create man knowing he would rebel?
    Anyway, it is more for my attempt to rationalize our existence, I suppose.

    I have, for many years now, questioned the Lutheran doctrine. About 5 months back, one of the elders dropped a CD by that had a sermon from an interim pastor, as the congregation had put out ‘a call’ to replace the pastor who had ‘taken a call’ to another congregation after over twenty years. Amazingly, the ‘call’ included and increase is salary for him (fast forward to now, and recently another elder had informed me the congregation had to cough up a bit more dough to get this new pastor)….ain’t it funny how money seems to keep you in good grace with the church?

    The sermon happened to be about the Adam and Eve story. I just listened to it yesterday, as I had began an email exchange with the new pastor on 9-25 to just have our names removed from the membership roll…..an amazing story, witnessing opportunity, has developed. In the sermon, the pastor DID NOT MENTION THE SERPENT, and only focused on man’s disobedience. For they posit that man’s sin is his own fault (ok), but then build an entire religion out of man’s ability to live without sin because thru repentance AND living by the law…….?
    Luther’s Small Catechism…….’universal’ faith in god…….Rom. 13…..etc, etc
    On page 114
    point #144 “How has Christ redeemed you from the power of the devil?”
    Christ has overcome the devil and conquered him; therefor he can no longer successfully accuse me, and I can now overcome his temptations.
    [the catechism then sites these verses) Gen. 3:15, I John 3:5 and James 4:7 These three are printed including italics for emphasis; ‘bruise thy head’….’destroy the works of the devil’…and ‘will flee’
    Then gives the following “see also” verses with only ch./verse……Col 2:15….Rom 8: 31-34…Rev. 12:10 and I Peter 5: 8,9.

    The doctrine is extremely close to catholic, and after a very brief email exchange, I am convinced they will lead the flock to accept doctrine ‘from an alien savior’…….

    Enough for now, the wife is up. I’ll be back to listen to some more of that fine music !

    I hope everything is going great for you and yours, and that your reduced presence at the ‘Platform that Burns’ is not a result of any misunderstanding between me and thee…ya know?

    Under Grace:

    ordo ab chao


    ordo writes… “I ‘made my rounds’ this morning and drove thru TBP. It is odd, but without seeing your posts, it is of little consequence to me.”

    This past weekend was downtown McKinny’s Oktoberfest celebration. Was crazy busy preparing for it and the execution as well. Went great I’m happy to say! Sold a lot of ice cream and shared a lot of smiles… 🙂 Have not had much time to post on TBP this week; have a backlog of nearly 100 articles. Will unfortunately have to skip most of them and just jump back in when the opportunity presents itself.

    “it is like slipping into my favorite old pair of boots……the fit is right.”

    That’s so nice to hear! As is Brad’s music, no? The man is simply amazing on any stringed instrument. Truly gifted and I’m glad you enjoyed! He will be coming to our ice cream shop this Friday to play and I can’t wait!

    Dang good question, this…

    “but then I wonder why create man knowing he would rebel?”

    I believe the answer, as is usually the case, is quite simple. God could have easily created robots who would have worshiped Him perfectly. They would have been automatons. Where is the grace in that? How is Gods inherent Goodness displayed in such a world? Nothing would be able to appreciate it. Knowing that His creation would rebel (free will) was a small price to pay for having them (us) turn willingly back to Him. God wants those who earnestly want Him. It’s that simple to me. And it’s been that way throughout human history. Boggles my mind when people like Stucky on TBP claim that the “God of the OT” is a monster. It’s men who are the monsters.

    “ain’t it funny how money seems to keep you in good grace with the church?”

    “Christianity” is very big business. You see any “donate” buttons on my site?

    “For they posit that man’s sin is his own fault (ok), but then build an entire religion out of man’s ability to live without sin because thru repentance AND living by the law…….?”

    All one can do is wish them luck with that. They do not know that the law was given to show man his imperfections; his need of a Savior. Give them scripture. Gods words will either work or their consciousness is seared with a hot iron. One or the other. Their failure to rightly divide the past from the present and the future cripples their doctrine and confounds their minds. They must perform all sorts of scriptural contortions to get verses that say different things entirely to match up; not realizing the different Biblical audiences present therein. Combining Paul with James is the ultimate example. It is absurd…

    “The doctrine is extremely close to catholic, and after a very brief email exchange, I am convinced they will lead the flock to accept doctrine ‘from an alien savior’…….”

    That’s who is coming. Check this out… https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/117830/70-nations-hanukkah-altar-third-temple/
    I believe Christ’s mystery return, the translation of the church, is eminent. Don’t be overwhelmed by all the horror stories, be joy filled… 🙂
    God will not allow this sinful world to stand. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

    Rom 16:19-20… “For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil. And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.”

    “I hope everything is going great for you and yours, and that your reduced presence at the ‘Platform that Burns’ is not a result of any misunderstanding between me and thee…ya know?”

    In no way, shape or form my friend. Just making the ice cream… 🙂

    Do I remember correctly that you have family in my area? If so, and if they are into good music, they will want to stop by my shop Friday to hear Brad play! Give them a heads up. I’ll be posting the event on Instagram and facebook… tell them to look for Cocktail Creamery!

    Grace and peace Steve!

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